Thursday, March 12, 2009

Healthy Money Saving Tips

Here we are with our economy in "free fall". Well since we are falling we might as well enjoy the ride and learn to get creative with our downward spiralling journey and not get blind sighted by all the negativity. I wrote an earlier blog about a website called GoEyeball, a price monitoring website that helps you monitor an item until it is on sale. It also helps with our "spur of the moment spending", as you need to wait for the sale therefore, giving you some time to think things over as to whether you need it or not. As some of my clients know already, the GoEyeball idea is an idea that I had conjured up in my moments of being "cheap".
But this blog will be my cheap ideas of staying healthy. Here are my 10 tips in no particular order:

Tip #1: Register to be a GoEyeball user and feel happy about the savings you got. Just kidding. Although feeling happy is quite health related, so if possible watch a comedy (movie, sit-com) whatever touches your funny bone. Internet has lots of things you can watch these days even TV shows that you previously might need cable for.

Tip#2: Try dry skin brushing nightly before bed to help move the lymphatics so toxins don't build up. Cheapest loofah brush I have found is at the Dollarama. This will save you the cost of needing to go in for drainage massage.

Tip#3: Sleep is cheap and free. Free amounts of melatonin (some people buy this as a supplement). Sleep helps to boost our immune system, repair our body that is damaged during the day, improves our memory and so much more health benefits.

Tip#4: Quit the gym fees and do some outdoor activities now that we have the warmer weather rolling in. Get the free sunshine vitamin (Vitamin D) for free but don't stay too long out side without protection.

Tip#5: Use vinegar to clean veggies and fruit. Boil meat for a minute in boiling water before cooking. It's not totally equivalent to eating organic but it is cheaper and still has healthy benefits.

Tip#6: Use food as your cleansing/detox kit. Move your bowels with fibre-rich foods, tablespoon of ground flax seed or chia seeds, drink enough water so you don't feel thirsty. Cleanse by supporting your liver with liver friendly foods such as carrots, beets, celery, artichokes or having some freshly squeezed lemon with water. Exercise and work up to a sweat to remove toxins through our largest detoxing organ , our skin.

Tip#7: Filter water at home instead of buying bottled water.

Tip#8: Eat whole foods as they are packed with nutrients. This will help decrease cravings so you aren't paying to buy snacks and candy bars that only give you a sugar high.

Tip#9: Learn to take short breaks from work so that you are deep breathing for 5 minutes or doing some stretching. This will help to reduce stress and keep your immune system healthy. That means less down time and less visits to the doctor's office.

Tip#10: Okay, this last tip is probably going to make some people squeamish but hard times calls for some good old fashion scrub down. What I mean is to stop using soap (you might even try to stop using shampoo and conditioner). There is too much chemicals in our so called hygiene products to be healthy (unless you found a 100% organic, and I mean the entire bottle of ingredients is 100% organic/natural). Try using some water and a terry cloth to gently scrub away the dirt. Unless your soap says anti-bacterial, it usually isn't killing anything and I wouldn't recommend an anti-bacterial soap for every day home use. It's just an open invitation to create some super bug that you can't kill.

If you have a healthy tip to share please feel free to add to the list. We'll be gliding soon so don't get too down about the economy. The silver lining is just under the cloud if you look for it.

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