Thursday, October 18, 2007

Odourous Flatace? What's that? AKA Smelly Farts

The sound of a fart can conjure up a great amplitude of laughter or embarassment depending on what "end" you are recieving it on. Oh cliche! So what is causing all that odour or sulphuric gas? Well, we can blame it on those bugs that line your bowels. The bad ones not the friendly gut bacteria. They love sugar and they love meat. Hmmm now they are starting to sound like humans. So our sugar cravings can stem from these monsters that are no bigger than, well let's just say you can't see them. So number one thing to do is to eat a good diet, lots of fibrous foods to give them a good brushing and not to eat all that meat that can ferment and form your smelly fart or worse yet change into free radicals that can lead to more destructive disease further down the road.

So are you now safe from releasing gas that even makes yourself cringe? Not exactly. Here is what happens to our food in our stomach when we ingest protein. Once protein (meat, beans, eggs etc.) reaches our stomach, it is suppose to unravel so that digestive enzymes can get at it. But digestive enzymes can't start tearing the protein molecues without recognizing specific protein sequences and if the protein is all rolled up so that these sequences are not available for reading, then nothing gets digested. The protein gets passed along into the gut in its entirety and that is when the nasty bacteria starts to ferment the proteins. So what causes the proteins to unravel? Stomach acid. There are a lot of people out there that are walking around with not enough stomach acid to help them digest. Best thing to test this out is to just do a stomach acid test. Simple test you can do at home, but if you already have odourous flatace, you probably already have your answer.

For the stomach acid test ( which is also the treatment), you would need to purchase from a health food store or your local health care practitioner a bottle of betaine hydrochloric acid. Before each meal take one tablet. If after taking the one tablet and you don't have any warming sensation in your stomach or heartburn, then you most likely don't have enough stomach acid. Continue increase the number of tablets at each meal and spacing the number of tablets throughout your meal ( ie. if you are up to 3 tablets, then take one at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end of your meal). Do not exceed taking eight tablets but usually you should feel some warmth before that. Once you do, you will do the opposite by reducing your pills incremtally.

I find that this normally takes care of 90% of people who have odourous flatace. But keep in mind that one should have good eating habits too. Eating on a regular basis ( as our body has a rhythm of it's own, and will start to generate acids accordingly, but if there is no food in our stomach, our brain is going to start getting signals that we don't need the acid produced), chew our foods and not to drink with our meals. There are so many people who just swallow their foods whole without chewing. The chewing mechanism is there to help digest food as well. Our saliva has enzymes in it that start the whole breakdown process.

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